['1200303', 'Petal Stories', 'Petal stories first posted on Undertow', ['R-18G', '女ザコ', 'watchmen', 'blaze'], 'OrbitalStrike', 15] 黄色文学永久地址: huangsewenxue.com 最新的免翻地发布:huangsewenxue.net 自动回复邮箱:bijiyinxiang@gmail.com 第1章 【原创】花瓣短篇 暴力解决 布蕾丝瞟了一眼站在小巷入口处的三个女子。两个穿着黑色紧身皮衣,一个穿着红色超短连衣裙。她们看起来像是站街妓女,不仅是因为暴露的穿着,还因为她们都在吸同一个塑料袋里拿出来的毒品。布蕾丝自己的衣服很符合这条黑暗之街的风格,性感暴露但不会引起注意。布蕾丝没空管她们,她只是收集了两天关于一个叫白壁的公司的资料。现在,她要的所有资料都在手提箱里的电脑里面。 时间不早了,布蕾丝走近小巷,希望能够抄近路赶到自己停车的地方。 她听见了身后跟踪自己的高跟鞋声音。 “嘿,婊子!” 布蕾丝回头看去。一个刚才的黑衣女孩指着她而另一个向她这边走来。前面这个高个子有着橘红色的头发,露背黑色皮衣在路灯照射下闪闪发亮,凸显了她的身材。后面那个留着假小子式的金黄短发,苗条健壮的身前是一对坚挺的硕乳。这对乳房用吊在脖子上的系带胸衣紧紧地裹住。最后那个亚裔红衣女孩则从右侧大腿上拔出了什么东西。 布蕾丝缓缓地转身打量三人,让两个黑衣女孩从两侧包夹住了自己。 “举起手来,布蕾丝警官,交出你的电脑!” 红衣女孩说得一口流利的英语,手里拿着一把手枪的她看起来比另外两个要年轻许多,即便是在贩卖美色的这个行业里也算年纪太小了。她的超短连衣裙非常暴露,上乳处开口,大腿跟开叉,套着高到大腿的黑色长袜。她梳着带两个包子头的短发型。然而,她拿枪的专业姿势说明她是认真的。 布蕾丝扔下手提箱,缓缓地举起了手。在金发女孩捡起手提箱的时候,布蕾丝回身踢中了她的腹部。橘发女孩跑向布蕾丝朝她的脸部踢来。布蕾丝推起对方的腿,让对方失去平衡摔倒在地。她敢说这两个女孩格斗经验不足。 布蕾丝接下来猛冲向亚裔女孩打出自己的内力。她打掉了女孩的手枪,不过女孩也如跳舞般后退化解冲击力。 布蕾丝接住了女孩脱手的手枪,卸下弹夹并退掉了子弹。她不希望对手的伙伴注意到自己在这里,或者引起可能和对方勾结的本地警方的注意。 布蕾丝向红衣女孩点头微笑,对方也以笑容回应。 布蕾丝转身躲开了身后金发女孩的右拳。金发女孩随即抬起左膝顶向布蕾丝,不过布蕾丝的右手制住了对方膝盖,拉起对方的腿,然后给金发女孩的胸口全力拍了一下。 金发女孩大口喘着气,她领口拉着胸衣的吊带。她四仰八叉地后退摔倒,咳嗽和呻吟着。 “妈的!” 橘发女孩喊着冲向布蕾丝,被布蕾丝轻易地躲开了。这条小巷对于她的硕乳来说太窄了,对于布蕾丝则不是。 布蕾丝听见红衣女孩已经随后冲来,所以把橘发女孩推向了红衣女孩的方向,再朝她预测的红衣女孩攻来的方向打出一拳。 出乎布蕾丝意料的是,红衣女孩抓住橘发女孩衣服上的绳带把她甩到一边,让她成为了自己抵挡布蕾丝拳头的人肉盾牌。橘发女孩的背打起来非常柔软,肌肉并不像女格斗家那样紧实。 布蕾丝绕到对方右侧出拳连击,但是红衣女孩转动着人肉盾牌进行躲避。布蕾丝的所有拳脚都落到了橘发女孩身上,这次主要是落到了她柔软的胸部和皮衣紧紧包裹的肚子。橘发女孩也试图高踢腿反击,但是使不起劲。 突然,这个被用作人肉盾牌的女孩仰面倒下了。她实际上是被红衣女孩拉着肩膀后拖的,红衣女孩压着橘发女孩跳起,高高抬起自己的双腿使出旋圆蹴,试图用穿着高跟鞋的脚攻击布蕾丝的脖子。飞旋的双腿间,红衣女孩的白色内裤清晰可见。 布蕾丝后侧身踢中了红衣女孩下面压着的橘发女孩,然后用拳击中了红衣女孩的脊柱。红衣女孩裸露的背部皮肤非常光滑,似乎被一层无形外壳所保护。布蕾丝的拳头上挥,给了红衣女孩下体好好来了一下。 空中红衣女孩痛苦地喊叫起来,头部首先结实着地。伴随着响亮的断裂声,她的脖子折成了一个奇怪的角度。她的身体随即压了下来,在地上弹起,以背着地。她再也动不了或者发出声了。 震惊的布蕾丝赶快俯身查看女孩是否还有呼吸或者脉搏,结果是否定的。红衣女孩瞪着眼睛伸着舌头死了,摔倒时她的脖子断了。布蕾丝温柔地合上了女孩的双眼。 接着,布蕾丝查看橘发女孩的状态。她也没有生命迹象了。她体外受到的打击和体内摄入的毒品让她的心脏跳得更快,也更脆弱。 金发女孩也死了。布蕾丝刚才一拳就打倒了她,在她摔倒的姿势和吸入的毒品的综合作用下,她的呕吐物阻塞了气管,格斗中的众人根本没有注意到她的情况。 布蕾丝叹着气把死去金发女孩的胸衣拉好,随后回头捡起了手提箱。她预料到了此行会和罪犯们战斗,也预料到可能会击毙敌人,可是一次性徒手干掉三个人对她来说还是太过分了,尽管是在自卫过程中。三个人都是因为某种偶然因素失去了生命,这让布蕾丝感觉很不舒服。 “哈呀!” 呼喝声伴随着一股无形的冲击波来到,把布蕾丝打倒在地。 又一个穿着红衣的亚裔女孩突然冒了出来,她留着两条长马尾,有着锻炼更充分的身材。布蕾丝没有动,边调整边考虑下一步的行动。 幸好,新出现的红衣女孩并不认为布蕾丝是主要威胁,她优先去捡手提箱。 布蕾丝等长发女孩走近后暴起全力一拳打在女孩的肚子上。女孩痛苦地喘息着,双膝颤抖着跪倒。她的头低垂下来,双臂也落到了身体两侧。 布蕾丝捡起手提箱头也不回地跑走了。她保持着高度警惕,不过身后再也没有传来脚步声。 她不知道的是,她刚才那下已经杀死了那名花瓣。这位花瓣在使出气掌时刚刚用尽了自己的气,没有气甲保护。死去女孩的膀胱泄出尿液在阴暗的小巷里积成水潭,映出白壁试图用暴力解决问题的结果。 尾声 带着白壁标志的面包车驶往城里由自己公司资助的一家医院。车的前座坐着两个携带隐藏枪支的男子,留意是否有警察拦路以免公司秘密泄露。后面是一个恒温控制装置,装着四个死去女孩的装尸袋旁,一个男子正在打电话。 “两个学员在实战测试中失败了,新的合成药物也失败了。从好的方面讲,我们省下了研究新药的时间和金钱,用我们盟友的人也避免了我们多浪费两个学员。” “教授,你确认没有留下痕迹?” “是的,这次我们把枪也回收了。” “我希望你能够和这次我们雇佣两个帮手的组织建立紧密联系。我们应该重视她们的忠诚。” “至于我的克隆计划…” “是的,你可以使用我们盟友的尸体作为来源,完毕。” 教授微笑着拉开一个装尸袋的拉链。他把里面的橘发女孩扶着坐起来,手伸进她的紧身皮衣下面,揉搓着她的乳房。 “你们听到好消息了吗?” 第2章 【原创】花瓣短篇 心VS花瓣 心急速后跳,两个都带着花饰发夹的女孩朝她冲来,几乎如飞一样。心以后空翻收步,摆出攻击姿势。显然没有机会和她们进行沟通,这两个少女肯定是格斗家,虽然她们的表情和自己认识的那些女格斗家朋友们截然不同。这个参加艺伎舞蹈比赛赢得的假期显然完蛋了。 “她们是来杀我或抓我的。” 海滩上没有别人。心紧咬牙关,穿红色吊带泳装的那个女孩即将进入一胳膊范围里。心下定了决心,集中力量。另一个女孩也看见这点,吸了口气。 心的左手由拳变为八级掌前推,正中攻来女孩的肚脐。这个女孩略小于她的胸部,在强大的冲击力下抖动得比其余部分要剧烈得多。 这个女孩的红色吊带泳衣断开,她短促地惨叫一声,被打飞到差不多她发起冲锋的地方,倒在沙滩上的同时死于心肺停止。心不打算杀人,不过她的反击似乎对于,不像她认识的那些死或生女格斗家那样严苛训练的人来说,过于强力了。 “抱歉,我练的八极拳的所有招式都可能致命。” 心后跳换成了一个较具防御性的姿态。心调匀呼吸,询问剩下的穿黄色比基尼泳衣的女孩是否会在队友战死后继续战斗。 没有回答,她决定主动保护自己。她前冲朝女孩的左手挥臂打去。 比基尼女孩也攻向心的左上臂反击,随后是朝心头部的重边腿,再是低扫腿。 “这女孩真厉害,和我年纪相仿?她的个头比我小,和我一样精进。或许另一个也不差。不过,她们的内脏韧性可能是弱点。” 她后撤蹲下,当女孩进入攻击范围时做好了准备。随后,心站起连续转身,用尽全力踢中了女孩乳房下方。 中招瞬间,这个女孩惨叫着吐出一大口血,失去平衡向后仰倒,剧烈地咳嗽着。可能有几根肋骨断了。 “一死一重伤,应该能给她们的幕后老板一个明确信息了。” 心转身回酒店报警。她很有一段时间没有战斗了,哪怕是友好的切磋都没有,这场格斗对她的生理和心理压力都很大。虽然是正当防卫,但是她很怜悯被她击毙的那个女孩,也担心重伤的那个女孩会不会坐牢。她真的不想毁掉有出众美貌的二人。 但是,她听见了爬起来的比基尼女孩的咳嗽声和喘气声。心转身,双手交叉在胸前准备应对这个女孩新的攻击。 “你毕竟没我强。进攻对你来说就只是冲锋吗?你只会把自己也害死的!” 出乎意料,这个女孩手臂快速上翻,闪电般刺拳打中了心的下胸腔。结果心尝到了自己必杀技的滋味,双膝跪下大口喘气。 然后,花饰女孩呐喊着踢中了同一处。这招上疾腿力道强大,她还后空翻给这招以更大的冲力。心的比基尼胸罩就像她格毙的那个女孩的泳衣那样断裂,而心的脑袋也后倾成一个不正常的角度。 “你报仇了,干得漂亮。可能的话,和我的份一起开心的活下去吧…” 从高空狠狠摔了下来,但心还活着。不过,她已经近乎失神,动弹不得。 那个女孩擦掉吐出的血迹和污物,走回她的姐妹倒下的位置。发现她的姐妹已无生命迹象时,这个女孩啜泣起来,不住地亲吻半裸死去的姐妹。 心听见那个女孩悲伤地对她的姐妹说了些什么,然后是逐渐接近的脚步声。她的右腿在倒下时压在了左腿上,她感觉到那个女孩把右腿拉开了。随后,她感觉到她的比基尼泳裤带被解开了。最后,这个带花饰发夹的女孩强行打开她的双眼,一个灿烂而邪恶的笑容浮现在女孩的脸上。 心试图单手赶走女孩,但是她突然一屁股坐到心旁边,大口喘着粗气。她和心一样已经筋疲力尽了。 “...我得活下去,抱歉。” 女孩一动不动歇了一会,这时心已经恢复了些许体力。她突然翻身坐起,双手抱住女孩的腰,把她推得满脸沙。心全裸的身子随即压到女孩的背上,用自己的腿锁住了女孩的。 心也用自己的右臂锁住了女孩的右臂,用尽全力反复猛击女孩的脖子。没有太多抵抗,花饰发夹女孩昏迷了过去。 “这次轮到你了。你刚才可以联系你的老板,绑住我或者干脆结果我;而你却停下来玩弄我。这不是你的姐妹想要的。去向她道歉吧,连我的份一起。” 心把女孩翻过身,用左手紧紧压着她的脖子,右手张开轻轻拍着女孩的胸部。女孩那对令人难忘的乳房剧烈抖动颤抖,想要呼吸入更多的空气,但她的气管被重重压着。她漂亮的娃娃脸因痛苦变形了。 “很快就结束了。” 心的右手伸进女孩的黄色比基尼内裤,轻轻按摩着;心的双腿缓缓地按摩着女孩的腿。她希望这样能让女孩在生命的最后时刻感受到愉悦;女孩也对此报以淡淡的微笑,发出了欢愉的呻吟声和痛苦的呜咽声。似乎无尽的僵持结束了,女孩绝望的痉挛停止了,她发紫的脸蛋松弛了。. 心把手从黄色比基尼内裤里抽回,静静地哭了。她的眼泪洗掉了女孩脸上的沙子。 “永别了,今天见到你们很高兴。但是,我必须借用你的比基尼。” 再没必要报警了。心从女孩身体上脱下比基尼给自己穿上,再温柔地把她放到旁边的一个充气筏上。虽然很累,但必须干完。她也给稍早击毙的那位女孩予以了同样的待遇。她把这对姐妹摆成紧紧相拥的姿势,将充气筏推入了大海。 第3章 Petal Story: Taking New Grounds After receiving her new name, Lan was sent to Japan to track down Miss Luo, a mob boss who has crossed Bai Bi Industries in Hong Kong then capture her, kill her if she will not cooperate. Lan has found the big seaside manor Miss Luo lived in, and prepared to attack it alone. A muscular young woman was jogging along the empty road in front of the seaside manor. She wore a black tube top and a pair of very short black jeans, showing off her sweaty tanned body as much as possible. Under the tube top a tight blue bra was visible, its straps also binding into her shoulders tightly. Along with her short hair, short black socks and running shoes, it makes her look very energetic and childlike. There was nobody else on the road, but there was a lot of chances to take a good look at this pretty jogging girl because she has spent most of the morning running around the manor. One pair of eyes were following her from across the road, hiding behind tall bushes. There was no lust or appreciation for her appearence in this gaze, only caution. It was from a girl in a Chinese minidress with a sword on her waist, the Petal agent of Bai Bi Industries, Lan. Her name used to be Lang, but after a number of successful missions, she was promoted to top class field agent and given a new code name fitting the flower theme more. This means she would start receiving solo missions, and the girl who was like her sister the most, Hui, protested because she thought it would be far more dangerous. Still, the company sent Lan to Japan alone for her first mission after promotion. Lan knew the athletic jogging girl was a bodyguard of the female criminal boss from Hong Kong, who was known as Miss Luo. This mysterious woman has interrupted many deals between Bai Bi and foreign companies in China, even helped rival organizations to attack their properties. Lan was told to bring Miss Luo to Bai Bi leadership alive, as they hope to take over her business peacefully, or kill her if she refuses. All her guards and mafia members are considered expendable. As the jogging girl left the main road and started to run along the manor\u0027s outer wall, Lan left her hiding place and dashed across the road. The bodyguard did not wear any headphones for running, but Lan kept her distance and did her best to reduce noise when running over. She then closed the distance in a leap, held onto the tanned girl\u0027s shoulders, and wrapped her long legs in stockings across the tanned girl\u0027s body. Lan moved her hands over the jogger\u0027s mouth and squeezed her waist, making her fall to the left. They rolled together into the grass, and Lan dragged the girl behind a hedge bush. The jogger was more muscular, but Lan took her completely by surprise and held her by the neck, so she has not found a way to fight back yet. \"Is Miss Luo at home today?\" Lan pinned the bodyguard\u0027s entire body on the ground and asked, using her right hand to pinch the girl\u0027s windpipe and keeping her left hand loosely over the girl\u0027s mouth. \"Yes?\" The girl answered weakly, she was too shocked to not say the truth. If Miss Luo was not there, then the plan was to kill this bodyguard, then wait for the rest of the guards to escape and follow them to the next safehouse. Lan loosened the grip on her throat a little. \"How many people are there with her, counting you?\" \"...Eight.\" \"Are you sure?\" \"Yes.\" Without saying anything else, Lan moved her left hand to the bodyguard\u0027s forehead and pulled backwards, using her right hand to pull the girl\u0027s chin downwards at the same time. Before the girl can shout in pain, Lan used a light twist to the left to loosen her jaw, stopping her from doing so. Then, Lan lifted the girl\u0027s head up and suddenly made a sharp turning move to the right. The sound of the bodyguard\u0027s spine popping was quiet in the outdoors, almost hidden by tree leaves shaking in a light wind, but she was clearly dead after a violent twitch following the crack. Lan gave a careful look over the girl\u0027s teary wide open eyes, broken jaw with stuck out tongue, and finally her neck bent in a strange angle. Still, Lan tested her victim for a breath before standing back up, finding none going in. She kicked the tanned and muscular corpse over, to a good place to hide beneath thick growth. This was the first step in planting Bai Bi Industres\u0027 first flag in enemy territories. Lan scaled up the mansion\u0027s garden wall using tree branches and flipped herself inside. Being a wild child since her adoption by the company, she was always very good at climbing. She did not even scratch her minidress, shoes or stockings, though Bai Bi\u0027s material science research also helped. Lan made her way to the manor\u0027s garage, a separate small building close to the entrance, hiding herself well behind garden plants. Her high tech shoes made no sound across the soft grass, and only a little bit more on concrete. She wanted to check the garage in case Miss Luo would try to take a drive today, if so she could just hijack the car and drove her to a meeting place, saving her time and sparing any bodyguards she would come across. The buzz of an electric drill came from the garage. There was a flat side window near Lan, she saw it was poorly lit and messy inside. Though, there was enough space for her to move in and stay low to observe. There were a green Land Cruiser truck and a black GTR race car, the latter known to be Miss Luo\u0027s personal car of choice. The GTR was lifted up and being worked on, so there was no chance to catch her at the garage. Lan slowly walked closer to have a look at the mechanic working on the car, and saw another attractive young woman. A light skinned girl with ginger brown hair, also muscular but less so than the jogger, in a pair of hot black boxer shorts and a black sports bra. Both has red markings on their edges, like the black gloves she wore. Lan thought it was not really enough protection for using power tools around a car, and the mechanic did have a bandage wrapped around her left elbow, but that girl did not seem to care. She was deep in her work with a cheerful look on her face. Thinking this girl should be just an ordinary worker, Lan picked up a long piece of thick wire and approached from behind. The plan was to simply tie the mechanic up and move on, knock her out if necessary. She walked up slowly, then looped the wire over the ginger girl\u0027s neck. \"Hands up, listen to me. Keep quiet and I won\u0027t kill you.\" Lan said in Japanese. The mechanic stopped her drill, and slowly put her arms up, raising both hands high. Glad to see her listen, Lan lifted the wire to tie the girl\u0027s wrists. Suddenly, the drill started again and cut through the wire held in Lan\u0027s right hand. Only because of the Chi armor it didn\u0027t cut right into Lan\u0027s arm. In fact, it did not even leave a mark because the Petal still kept very high attention. Lan jumped backwards and threw the wire away. Then, she immediately kicked twice, at the ginger girl\u0027s waist and shapely breasts, as that girl was turning around. Both hits landed right on, making the girl stumble and loose her drill. Lan stood up and drew her sword, pointing it at her opponent. The girl gave her a mocking confident look, grinning. \"Little Bai Bi bitch.\" She was also slowly moving herself backwards towards a crowbar lying nearby. Lan dashed over and kicked the crowbar away, sending it crashing into the wall behind. Seeing the ginger girl was about to scream, Lan then gave a very hard kick into the girl\u0027s muscular waist, knocking all her wind out. The mechanic sat there gasping holding her stomach, unable to say another word. Calmly, Lan backed up and picked up the electric drill. If she made some more working noises inside the garage after that crash, maybe people won\u0027t notice the fight fast enough. She started the drill again in her hand and guided it in front of the ginger girl\u0027s forehead, who tried to kicked at her and tried to block it with her left hand, maybe just to block the terrible sight. Lan drove it in between the girl\u0027s eyes and kept pressing it there. The mechanic kept the same shocked and pleading expression, but then suddenly her eyes rolled up and her legs stopped moving. Her upper body began to slowly fall backwards, finally coming to a rest on the garage floor. Lan stopped the drill and pulled it out. Her opponent died with only a tiny wound above her nose, not much blood has came out of it. The mechanic still held her stomach with her right hand, and kept an almost comical pose with her left hand still trying to block the drill out of her sight. Her eyes were still wide open, her mouth interrupted in the last gasp, and her breasts stopped heaving under the sexy black and red sports bra. Between her legs a small puddle has appeared, maybe she had lost control of her bladder even before Lan started the drill. Lan herself was disgusted by the scene but she was not shaken. A mission from Bai Bi must be completed in any way she must, because it\u0027s also a mission from all her sisters, and from Bai Meihua, the company CEO and older sister to all Petals. Leaving the corpse at the place it fell, Lan peeked out from another window to take a look at the manor\u0027s garden. There, three of Miss Luo\u0027s bodyguards were training to fight. The three girls were fighting on a sand pit marked out in the center of the garden, like a wrestling ring. It was clear they were only practicing, or playing in their moves. They looked completely different. One was in an army jacket and matching long pants, average built, her black hair tied into a short ponytail pointing towards the sky. Her face had a serious look, but it was still round and youthful. The jacket reminded Lan of an American mercenary company she once read about in a magazine, who paid a lot of advertisement money to have a role in a shooting game coming up. However, she didn\u0027t know there are any women in this company. She did use army fighting moves Lan knew, with very fast punches, kicks and elbow strikes, while showing a lot of control to not really hit her opponents too hard. It was too far to hear what the three girls were saying, but this skill and attitude show she could be their leader. The second girl was tomboyish, tanned and in a revealing set of clothing just like the jogger, but even more muscular than her, with thicker arms and legs. She wore protective bandages on her arms along with black gloves, a longer look shows Lan that what looks like a tube top on her was also made of bandages. This girl only had a bikini bottom and a pair of heavy looking boots on her lower body. Her rich curves and healthy skin color would make many, male or female, dream of coming closer and touching her. This girl shined bright under the sunlight, making her close to a waking wet dream, because all her exposed skin has been covered with a clear liquid oil. She fought with boxing and wrestling moves, too fast and oily to be gripped by her opponents. The last one of the three looked just like a normal Japanese high school girl, in a white seifuku school uniform with black edges, but cut short to show off her very impressive chest. She was shorter than the other two but her long black stockings, like the ones Lan wore, made her firm legs with plump thighs more attractive. Lan wondered maybe she was just a daughter of a rich neighbor nearby, who was just coming to visit a friend or sister who worked at the manor. Even though it seemed like she was one of the guards and practiced with the other two, she mostly stood outside the sand pit to watch them fight, and didn\u0027t want to touch the tanned girl\u0027s oiled body. In that case, she would also be seen as expendable for the mission, or cleared to be tracked down and assassinated if she was a risk to talk to the police. Miss Luo was not known to have a daughter this age, she was at most thirty years old and it was confirmed there were no family members of her anywhere. Lan saw the mercenary girl as the biggest threat, but she knew even as she had the sword it would be difficult to take on any two trained fighters at the same time. Lan was skilled at fighting and video games, but she learned much about strategy from Hui, the calm smart Petal. Her best approach would be waiting for one of them to leave, then kill one of the remaining two by surprise using her sword, then try to kill the last as fast possible. She didn\u0027t bring a gun because Japanese police respond to gunshot reports very seriously, if her enemies have one, she would choose to run before the cops arrive than staying to fight. After all, it would put a lot of pressure onto Bai Bi\u0027s enemies this way. Lan waited behind a row of roses with better view and close enough to hear the fighters talk a little. The mercenary happened to be the first to leave the sand pit. \"I\u0027ll go check on the boss\u0027 car, let\u0027s go on the town tonight.\" She started walking towards the garage, stretching her arms. The high school seifuku girl who just fought with her shouted in celebration, then sat down on the grass outside the pit to rest. The wrestler started rubbing a new layer of oil onto herself, starting from her muscular shins above the top of her heavy boots, then going up slowly. The seifuku girl gave a whistle for this show, and the mercenary turned back briefly to have a look too. Lan felt no enjoyment watching, or regret for going to break this peaceful moment later, she was here to do what the company needed. Silently, Lan moved to another rose bush when the mercenary was not looking in her direction, then stopped and held her breath. As a Petal, she could hold longer and tighter than most of her enemies. The mercenary soon came in front of her, within an arm\u0027s reach. Lan stood up and made a strike forward with her sword, fast and brutal, straight into the left side of the mercenary\u0027s waist. The attack punctured a kidney. This ponytail girl immediately bent forward in pain, but could not scream because the pain was so strong she was out of all strength. Lan pulled the twitching girl behind the bush by her shoulders, leaving the sword in place, letting her sit on the grass. Then, Lan pulled the sword out, allowing the girl to try covering her bleeding wound and kick around. The mercenary was no longer a fighter, just a dying young woman in pain, not able to call for help or relieve it by shouting. Catching a moment the mercenary was lying flat fully exposing her chest, Lan made another fast strike with the sword and landed it under the girl\u0027s modest left breast. The sword tip easily cut into the mercenary\u0027s heart, all the way through with no resistance. Then, Lan pulled the sword out and moved back to her first hiding place, paying no attention to the last few weak kicks made by her victim who already lost consciousness. The mercenary\u0027s pained face finally relaxed in death, but still left a sad and pitiful sight. The wrestler had finished applying new oil to herself when Lan got back. The sunlight reflecting on tanned skin was highlighting the wrestler\u0027s curvy muscular body well, while difficult to let people actually keep gazing on her. She asked the girl in a high school uniform to have some more practice, and the younger girl accepted the offer with a smile and a friendly slap to the bandage tube top. It was wrapped tight and the wrestler\u0027s breasts were very firm, the tube top bounced but not shake. Lan started her attack when the two were completely focusing on fighting each other. She jumped out from cover, holding her sword by both hands high to make a big slash at the wrestler\u0027s back. Surprisingly, the wrestler dodged Lan\u0027s sword without looking, then pushed the seifuku girl away before turning around to face Lan. They stood there examining each other carefully. \"I can sense you coming, because the oil let my skin feel changes in the air.\" The wrestler said, while moving in front of the seifuku girl to protect her. The seifuku girl looked really scared like a normal high school student. \"Don\u0027t worry, I\u0027ll bring her to the boss myself. Though, I don\u0027t know if she can live till then.\" The wrestler flexed her arms and sent the younger girl running away. Lan released her left hand\u0027s grip on the sword and made a quick slice at the wrestler\u0027s right arm, but missed again. The wrestler fought back by knocking her bandaged forearm onto the flat side of Lan\u0027s sword, bouncing it away and making Lan lose her balance. The wrestler came closer and punched at Lan. Lan successfully dodged, then made a fast kick at the wrestler\u0027s side, but all force in the kick slid away on the oily skin. She carefully stood still and posed her sword and right hand behind her back to prepare for making a fast single hand full swing. Just as Lan began striking with her right hand, the wrestler grabbed her free left hand with both hands. Lan was pulled close to the wrestler\u0027s face, and the sword bounced off from hitting very tense muscle wrapped under thick bandages on the wrestler\u0027s left forearm, just like last time. The wrestler did not even frown after being hit. \"The oil makes me quicker too.\" She said to Lan, and pulled her all the way to herself, their chests touching each other. Most people would blush when they come this close and get held this tight by the sexy tomboy wrestler, but Lan only kept observing her without changing expression. The wrestler suddenly hit Lan in the stomach point blank using her left knee, making Lan gasp in pain and drop the sword. Then, she wrapped both arms around Lan and started squeezing all the air out of her. \"Olive oil and herbal medicine spices, let me tell you, it\u0027s a great lube too. I\u0027ll share some with you and let you try if you just ask.\" The oily tanned girl licked her lips in front of Lan\u0027s suffocating face. Lan could see her dark blue eyes showing lust. Lan was struggling to keep her Chi armor up protecting her rib cage from being crushed. She could fight back by kicking and scratching, but the wrestler was too strong to be distracted by those. She could also try attacking the tanned girl\u0027s joints, but there was too much oil for her to make a firm grip. The hold is making her run out of air, all she could smell was the scented oil and sweat on the wrestler\u0027s body. \"Ha!\" Lan stroke both of her hands on the wrestler\u0027s back using a small part of her Chi in the attack, blowing oil away from the tanned girl\u0027s body into a mist, the force also freed Lan from the grip. \"That didn\u0027t hurt at all.\" The wrestler said, a playful grin on her face showed she was telling the truth. Lan picked up her sword as she turned her backward fall into a dodge roll, then stuck the sword into the sand to steady herself. She still needed some time to charge more Chi by taking deep breaths. The wrestler charged towards her. Lan sensed if she doesn\u0027t move out of the way in time, the wrestler could grab her by the upper body and backflip her. Lan drove the sword up and threw it, bringing up a large cloud of sand. Then, she jumped away, dashed behind the confused wrestler and kicked her right in the bandaged back with both legs, sending the tanned girl flying out of the sand pit wrestling ring. The wrestler fell onto the garden\u0027s grass turf face first, but flipped herself around using her strong arms quickly. She raised up halfway just in time to see Lan standing above her. Lan\u0027s left foot in black stocking and red high heel shoe landed on her bandaged chest between the breasts and pressed down hard. The wrestler coughed and fell back to the ground. Lan turned around and lifted the wrestler\u0027s muscular right leg up by the boot. With sand on her left hand, Lan easily held tight onto the tanned girl\u0027s knee and placed her right hand on the ankle. She twisted hard, breaking the wrestler\u0027s shin and stopping her from getting back up. \"Aah! Ow. That\u0027s... You\u0027re good, Petal...\" The wrestler had completely given up, her arms stretched by her side in a relaxed way, calm despite the pain from her leg. \"Thank you.\" Lan said, actually feeling some enjoyment hearing such a strong enemy comment on her skills. She walked back to her sword and returned pointing it at the wrestler\u0027s face. \"Now I know... Thank you too.\" The tanned girl nodded at her and gave her an understanding smile. Lan cut through the wrestler\u0027s neck with no resistance, then began running towards the direction the last girl of the three went. The wrestler\u0027s eyes immediately widened when the sword entered her flesh, despite having accepted her death before Lan made the strike. She gulped for air, kicked weakly and tried to hold her wound with her hands, but her struggle soon ended. Her eyes closed slowly in death, her corpse almost a peaceful scene, like she was just tanning her skin under the morning sun and fallen asleep. Lan entered the manor\u0027s main building, it was a grand western house with white walls and red roofs, but the interior walls were covered by a wallpaper that switches between light and dark purple. She carefully searched through every room for enemies, jumping in and out of doors like she was dancing on a stage. The high school girl ran into the building, but every last guard and Miss Luo herself should be inside, since there was no sight of anyone else in the garden or by the beachfront before. She heard sobbing come from behind the closed door of a large study. Lan haven\u0027t heard what the high school girl in a seifuku sounded like, So she guessed it could be some innocent worker scared by the fight. She regretted killing the first guard too soon before finding out who were all the people in the manor. Although workers and other people not involved with Miss Luo\u0027s organization should be captured, in case they alert the police too soon, Bai Bi\u0027s command was against unnecessary killing. Prisoners would be only interrogated before release, then kept an eye on or ransomed. She pushed the door open slowly while still scanning in the hallway outside. On the reflection in her sword\u0027s blade, she saw it was the same girl indeed, who ran away from the wrestling sand pit, broken down sobbing and sitting in a corner. The room was full of large book cases, but none was big enough for anyone to hide inside for an ambush. Lan walked into the room and closed the door behind her. Her steps were light, but the wooden floor boards still made enough noise to alert the short girl in a seifuku. The girl didn\u0027t move away, only looked up from where she sat and put her hands up. \"I\u0027m sorry, I\u0027m sorry, I didn\u0027t see anything.\" Her voice was not very loud, but Lan rushed up and covered the girl\u0027s mouth. \"Be quiet. What are you doing here?\" Lan lifted her left hand a little and pressed her sword on the girl\u0027s throat. The girl tried to duck down, her plump chest rapidly heaving in panic. \"I didn\u0027t see anything, I won\u0027t call the police, I didn\u0027t...\" Lan was not sure what to do. Killing the wounded wrestler was because another guard could fix her leg and make her join the fight, but this Japanese girl was not resisting her and did not look like a good fighter when she was practicing. She did not look as muscular as the bodyguards, her waist was too thin and flat. The seifuku was like one from a nearby high school, too, only cut shorter. Though, Lan had nothing to tie her up with, not like the wire she tried to use on the mechanic. Knocking the seifuku girl out would still risk another guard waking her, breaking her limbs would make her scream out loud for sure. Remembering the mechanic, Lan told herself to be more careful, because it could be another trap. The guards were too loyal to their boss. Lan moved back, pulled away her sword and gave the short seifuku girl a careful look. She noticed the girl was sitting on top of her left hand and the hand seemed to be holding something under her short skirt. \"Don\u0027t move.\" Lan pointed her sword low and lifted the front of the girl\u0027s skirt using the broad side. There was no gun holster but only a cute pair of triangular orange panties with a ribbon, expected on a girl of her age who focused on her appearances. Maybe she wanted to surprise a boyfriend or girlfriend with it. It highlighted the outline of her smooth youthful thighs well, working together with the long dark stockings she wore. \"Turn around.\" \"Please let me go, I didn\u0027t see anything...\" The Japanese girl resisted, but did not blush in shame or try to cover herself at all. Then, Lan finally saw her left hand move out behind the pair of panties, holding a short combat knife. The girl\u0027s legs both sprung out upwards from the floor and kicked at Lan with no time between them, hitting her both times. As Lan backed off and steadied herself using the sword, the seifuku girl stood up holding the knife ready to attack, grinning. The sword stuck too deep into the floor, and Lan had to let go before the girl made a very close cut in front of her. She doesn\u0027t want to use Chi armor to take hits yet, when she had just spent half of her Chi fighting the wrestler. The seifuku girl was very fast, although she only had a combat knife, there were many obstacles in the room for her to limit Lan\u0027s movement. Because Lan can\u0027t risk being hit with the knife, the seifuku girl was very successful in avoiding kicks from Lan\u0027s shapely powerful legs and guiding her moves with the knife. Lan had her own plans to make her opponent go where she wanted her to go, by backing away carefully into a circle around the room. She had trapped the seifuku girl between her and a piece of wall beside a large bookcase, without the girl noticing. Lan posed for a high kick with her right leg, pulled back just in time as her opponent stabbed at her, then turned herself around in a very tight spin. This spin let Lan hit the seifuku girl right in the forehead using both her braids like whips. The heavy jade rings tied to the braid ends dazed the girl, making her stumble and drop the knife in pain. \"Ow!\" There was no time for her to recover. As the girl gave a cute shout like she was complaining about something in her regular life, Lan\u0027s left foot in a red high heel shoe arrived under her chin and pressed her to the wall behind. Even though her neck had a leather collar, it helped more in making her look sexy than protecting her windpipe. She coughed helplessly, still too dazed to fight back. Lan lifted her leg up high and put all her strength in pinning down the girl\u0027s neck to the wall, then suddenly gave her leg foot a twist. After a sharp crack, the seifuku girl stopped moving. Her dead eyes stared at Lan lifelessly, her mouth closed with a last gulp of air to form a strange expression as if she was pouting to someone who were supposed to take care of her, pitiable and innocent. The girl\u0027s corpse slid down along the wall as Lan pulled back her leg, coming to a stop sitting still, her head resting to a side, eyes half closed but still bulging out because of a snapped neck. One more sign in this sad scene for Lan to confirm her death was incontinence, the Japanese girl pissed herself very soon after settling on the floor. Lan pulled her sword out from the floor boards and left the room. At the door, in the reflection on her sword, Lan saw a shape came down the stairs and move across the other end of the hallway. She threw the door open and rushed into the nearest open room. Right afterwards, she heard a gun fire in the hallway and a bullet pass behind her. It missed, but Lan still wondered maybe she should have brought a gun to this mission. The remaining bodyguards were alerted for sure, when she was still fighting the seifuku girl. Now, she would have to finish the job as quickly as possible, before Miss Luo can escape. Lan blamed herself for not disabling the Land Cruiser SUV in the garage, as Hui would have remembered to plan for any risks in the mission. She checked the hallway again with her sword. She saw a short and slender young woman in a green business suit, a gray skirt and leggings, holding a pistol at the end of the hallway. The young woman\u0027s loose hair was dyed pink, contrasting much with her office professional look. Lan thought about her options to get close enough for landing a killing strike on the suit girl very carefully. She wanted to save her Chi for later enemies, so she should distract the suit girl\u0027s aim, but she also wanted to make that girl shoot less. If she can save ammo in her gun, there would be more for Lan to use on the other guards. Stepping out of the room, Lan moved towards the suit girl, holding the sword in front in a guarding position. The composite metal used to make it could stop most bullets if used in the right way. Blocking a shot in front of the suit girl would tell that girl to not wast more shots. Like Lan expected, the suit girl fired when they saw each other. The shot was easy to block and deflect with Lan\u0027s training, and Lan made sure to let the bullet angle back towards the girl as much as possible. The suit girl was surprised, and tried her luck firing another shot at Lan\u0027s lower body. Lan blocked it again, but she felt the sword could not take any more hits. Lan got close to the stairs and started running towards it. The suit girl started moving to block her way, not daring to shoot again because Lan was too good at bouncing her own shots back at herself. Lan threw the sword at the suit girl sideways, not trying to hit her, but to force her to move where she wanted her to, maybe to drop the gun. Shocked, the suit girl dodged by going up the narrow flight of stairs, still holding the pistol by her both hands. Lan followed, since she was much taller than the suit girl, she caught up with her on the stairs immediately. Her left hand grabbed the suit girl\u0027s right hand and forced it to point straight up, while her right hand went between the girl\u0027s forearms and went at her chin in an open palm. The suit girl released her left hand from gripping the pistol to block Lan\u0027s attack, while moving backwards to dodge. Lan kept pressing on, pinning the short and slender opponent on to the stairs. Lan observed the gun she was trying to take over. It was a silver colored Wilson Combat M1911 with wooden grip panels, a very expensive high quality weapon. It had ten bullets at most, but the suit girl had used three already. Then, she noticed the suit girl was blushing bright red and looking very embarrassed, trying to push herself up the stairs and away from Lan. Lan looked up and down the full body of the girl, and slowly noticed the reason. Her right knee was between the suit girl\u0027s slim thighs, just touching the girl\u0027s panties under tight black leggings. Without realizing what she did, Lan pressed on with her knee more, her black stocking rubbing and brushing against the leggings with a comfortable smooth feeling. The suit girl did not feel comfortable at all from this move. She struggled to free herself, but only rubbed herself more on Lan\u0027s knee. Her suit jacket got pulled open, revealing a pink tie and a white shirt over her modest chest. She blushed even harder, about to cry out. Lan noticed the suit girl was loosing her grip on the pistol so she tried pulling down the right hand with the gun. It did not take her much effort to lower it, and put the gun between their bodies. She pulled her right hand back from fighting the girl and grabbed at the gun. Suddenly, the pistol fired. The suit girl\u0027s eyes widened in shock and pain. A small black hole appeared on her white shirt, blood coming out of it slowly. She had accidentally pulled the trigger when she was still trying to escape Lan\u0027s knee, when it was pointed at herself. She looked at her stomach wound with surprise, and released the gun. Lan pointed the gun away from both of them and took it over, then stood back up to have a better look at the suit girl\u0027s wound. She was very surprised too. The suit girl wasn\u0027t able to speak, but waved at Lan, as if telling her she doesn\u0027t need help. She held onto upper stairs and slowly pulled herself up. Then, she turned around and started walking up. Lan aimed at back of the suit girl\u0027s head and thought about ending her suffering, but decided she should save ammo. Slowly, the suit girl reached the top of the stairs holding her wounds. She leaned against a wall to steady herself, then closed her eyes and sat down. Lan came up to her face to look for signs of life, ready to twist her neck if she was still in pain, but pulse on the girl\u0027s neck went out under Lan\u0027s touch on its own. Lan heard the sound of running water coming from a large room with an open door. Holding the gun up preparing to fire on anyone inside, she approached it. \"Please come in.\" It was Miss Luo\u0027s voice, the same as what Lan knew from recordings. Not answering her, Lan carefully observed around the door before entering, gun still in front of her. Lan saw a big office space in front of her, to its side a bedroom where the sound of water came from. There was only a young tomboyish girl with short brown hair standing inside the office, wearing white martial artist clothing and fluffy leg warmers but no shoes. She looked at Lan with eagerness to fight, but waited patiently. Miss Luo was in the bedroom, taking off a black skirt, and there was nothing else on her beside a pair of clear stockings. She slowly walked out of the room, kept undressing herself in front of Lan, making Lan feel embarassed for the first time in the day after so much fighting and killing in intimate ways. Lan blinked and felt herself blush. Miss Luo had a beautiful body shape. Large firm natural breasts, spotless pale skin, and long dark hair. Her expression was always gentle, but Lan knew nobody at Bai Bi could trust this woman. \"You\u0027re a Petal. The Black Hands, the Innocent Girls agent, the American, they all failed to stop you. Even my mechanic and my poor secretary Marina failed.\" Lan tried hard to only look Miss Luo in the face. \"Please come with me. We don\u0027t want any more bloodshed, Miss Bai Meihua is still willing to work with you in Japan if you can leave the past between our organizations behind.\" \"I\u0027m so flattered, yes, I know her thoughts. But what about the rest of the company directors?\" Lan didn\u0027t know what to answer. The water was shut off. A maid came out of the bedroom behind Miss Luo, who handed the stockings to her. The maid took them then put them into a laundry basket. If the jogger told the truth, it was everyone left alive in the manor here. \"Hana, please go outside and help Marina here. She deserves to take a rest.\" The maid Hana nodded and went out of the room, paying no attention to Lan. Soon, she came back gently holding the dead suit girl Marina in her arms, in a respectful but emotionally detached way. Marina was fully limp, her head arched back facing Lan as Hana walked by. \"Please let Anko here be your company while I take a bath.\" Anko bowed to Lan, then posed ready to fight. Lan put her gun down on the office desk and took a step back, also readying herself to fight. It had been several hours since Lan first started this mission, since she started watching the jogging guard. Fighting six opponents one by one with only her sword and melee skills was very exhausting, she thought Miss Luo and Anko must know that too. One wrong move, she could die in this fight. Anko was strong for her size, about the same height as Lan but her legs, fully bare except the fluffy leg warmers, were thicker and more muscular. She also had some tan on her skin, but not as dark as the first guard or the wrestler. She looked a little younger than Lan, short loose hair dyed brown giving her a energetic feel. Lan felt Anko was a good fighter, a hard opponent even if they both have full stamina. In a few moves, Lan saw her show experience from karate, taekwondo and judo, almost matching Petal training. The office they were fighting in seemed much smaller once Anko started pressing Lan into corners with her attacks. Many of her moves were preparations for holding and throwing, as Lan could easily see, this knowledge made her keep running away from this girl in white. Lan\u0027s red high heeled shoes gave her more friction to stand steady on the floor carpet, but Anko was faster running barefoot. Lan finally found an opening to reach out for a right punch at Anko\u0027s chin, but just before her fist moved half way between them, Anko made a quick turn and went to grab at Lan\u0027s forearm. Lan pulled back at the last second, just as she could stand still and catch her breath, Anko started a sweeping kick in at Lan\u0027s bottom. Lan only got away by a very little distance. Lan noticed Anko was trying to force her to use all her remaining strength. She decided to take a risk and block a hit once, to break up Anko\u0027s rythm of attacking. She stood still and crossed her arms in front of herself when a Anko made a straight punch. The punch was very heavy, more than Lan expected, showing her Anko\u0027s arms under the short martial artist dress were strong enough too. If Lan wanted to keep saving Chi, then she should avoid every punch from Anko. None of them tried to get the gun Lan put on the desk, it was a good fight for both of them. Miss Luo had been in her bath all the time when they fought. She did not cheer Anko on or take a look, it was like they both forgot each other. The maid, Hana, was looking at them, but she did not seem to have any interest in the fight. She only turned to them after taking off the dead secretary Marina\u0027s suit jacket and shoes then folding her hands over each other. Lan had to keep checking on the bedroom entrance in case Hana or Miss Luo would suddenly break into their fight and help Anko. Anko saw what she was looking at, she backed off briefly and turned to Hana. \"Don\u0027t worry.\" Anko was speaking to Lan more than to Hana, her voice was young and playful, maybe younger than all the other guards, while deeper than the seductive high school seifuku girl\u0027s voice. The maid closed the door. 黄色文学永久地址: huangsewenxue.com 免翻发布:huangsewenxue.net 自动回复箱:bijiyinxiang@gmail.com Then, Anko went back to starting a high kick at Lan\u0027s stomach.